
International service team – IST

International service team – IST


Pre-camp: 23-25 juli
Camp week: 26 juli till 2 augusti
After-camp: 3-6 augusti


The fee for IST is 1 200 SEK.
This includes food, toilets, a camp scarf, a camp badges and two camp t-shirt.
It will be possible to purchase additional camp shirts when registering.

Participation in Pre-camp and After-camp is free.

Travel to Kalmar

For travel by plane to Kalmar, we recommend that you travel by Kastrup – Copenhagen. There is then a direct train from Copenhagen to Kalmar.
If you want to travel by plane directly to Kalmar, it is by Arlanda – Stockholm.
We arrange transport from Kalmar to the camp site. You can choose when registering whether you want to be picked up at Kalmar airport or Kalmar train station.


If you need an invitation for a visa application, we can arrange it.
Send a email to


Its now open.
Registration is open February 1st to June 30th.